Showing posts with label graph databases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graph databases. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Graph databases

RDBMS, also known as Relational databases, are  structured and easy to query with a language like SQL, but they have limitations when it comes to unstructured data. And scaling usually means buying far more servers and even then , that has limitations.

Not all data, however, is that easily organized. Semi and Unstructured data like IoT sensor data, social media,.  photos, videos, location-based GIS information, web or mobile activity, and usage metrics can’t be neatly broken down nor should be, but nobody wants a data swamp. 

Things like Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB and other NoSQL or NewSQL like databases trade tables for documents or json or blocks or columnar like schemas and more.

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