Sunday, November 18, 2018

Blockchain and big Consulting firms

" If you’re building free proofs of concept, but you’re missing the business context around it, like regulatory, AML/KYC, tax and all the other stuff, you really aren’t servicing the client holistically,” Pawczuk went on, without naming names. “Another thing that makes me nervous is proofs-of-concepts being built by students that have never had to coexist in the environment where large high volume transaction systems do exist. Blockchain does not replace all core systems.”

I find it rather interesting the leaders and partners of these Consulting companies are worried about students and newbies doing POCs,  yet many of the big firms like Deloitte are people under 27 who aren't usually hardcore techies and computer science or Cryptography guys.  The big shot partners usually don't know anything about the latest tech.

They are good at selling it , but dig into technical conversations and it's usually a lot of keywords that sell to the masses, but if you're into the tech, you just role your eyes.  In fact, a lot of times the techies are pushed aside for the more business and charismatic biz Dev sales folks. 

   Big Consulting firms love to charge big dollars for POCs and have mostly non cs people who implement them.   Or send 26 year old communication majors  with 15 years of experience in a 5 year old Technology.    That's why she fears free POCs.  

The Deloitte's of the world are really why public blockchain systems are needed.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Why a better system and blockchain are required now !

This is where some new system, maybe blockchain, far more transparent, far more beneficial needs to be Implemented now. Not later.

  Who knows what kind of shady backwards stuff went on or not.  You can't ever have someone like Kemp again.  Control the elections, step down after , and have people believe there isn't some backwoods racist politics and fraud going on ? 

However the election turned out has nothing to do with who won or what people voted for in this instance. Kemp should have been forced to step down or leave the governor's race.

Could blockchain and digital voting help ?   Maybe.   A more decentralized less biased and fraudulent system is definitely needed.  This Kemp government is a prime example of corrupt politicians and government and processes.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

AI beats lawyers. But ...

It's NDAs, which are mostly copy and pasted and kind of thrown in to cover everything at times.  I wonder how much effort most lawyers actually put into them anymore?  And many companies just use some legalzoom like NDA template anyway. 

So a win for AI or irrelevant hype?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Redhat sells out to IBM

The one real big open source success story and example for every business who wanted to be like redhat just lost the biggest example.   Who knows the entire story here , but if Redhat was forced to or wanted to sell to big blue IBM, it kind of kills the philosophy that you can actually run a legit open source business and make money.  And Redhat sold licenses so it wasnt even like they operated as Apache or MIT. 

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.  Probably a good move by IBM. 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Don't use Coinbase.

There are many stories like this. And worse.   Coinbase has been great for getting average non Technical users into crypto with their ease of use and mobile app.  But they are worse than the banks people complain about.  And with none of the actual benefits the big banks offer. 

The reality is coinbase has no legit customer service or the support either doesn't care or can't do anything.  They overcharge and blame others.    They hold money for months.  Their shift card partner is another terrible company in itself and money seems to disappear or charges  get denied and you have to delete and reinstall and configure over and over. 

The sad reality is coinbase could have pushed crypto and blockchain to the masses in a great way, instead they are just more overlnflated egos from wall street who founded a company and created a wall street like company without the wall street  benefits.  

Stay away from Coinbase.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Nonsense blockchain articles

This article sounds like a sales pitch with random key words thrown together and there isn't anything in the article that actually tells you what or how it works or will work.  But it's really the norm now and the fake nonsense marketing news is all we get from the shills.  And the fan lemmings who bow down to nothing and don't even know what they are talking about. 

   The IOT space has a ton of challenges and new and old Technologies. As well as legacy philosophical mindsets at times.  Many challenges won't be technological at all, but political and psychological.  Add to that some blockchain and crypto and AI and RPA and then you read nonsense articles that Proclaim they have conquered it all in an open source world , yet offer nothing to where they actually solved any of the problems in one space much less ten different verticals. 

  I spoke with one company who basically blocked me from asking any more questions because I was honestly interested in how they solved the Ethereum scaling and latency challenges as well as the computational challenges AI presented.   And they solved iot security vulnerabilities.  It was really promising if they figured any of them out. Yet they had nothing of value to add and honestly didn't even seem to realize any of these challenges existed in the first place.  At a certain point it's obvious many of these companies are just full of nonsense.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Walmart blockchain .. hyperledger really

  So Walmart is forcing their suppliers to use hyperledger fabric blockchain.  It's heavily IBM influenced, probably some kickbacks with them, but being hyperledger is open-source, there could be some valuable ways to integrate and use. 

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